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Purple Skies

✨ Radiant Self-Love~ Adjustable Slipknot Mala Bracelets, each unique, but the four available were created to help the wearer embody and accept the assistance of the Higher Realms to promote a deep sense of self. Self-love is the fuel that enables us to achieve our greatest dreams and trust that everything will be okay. When you wholly accept yourself and integrate your shadow self, it will not matter what is thrown at you because you will believe that you can overcome any obstacles easily.


✨ Each Mala Bracelet will feature AAA-Grade Gemstones of Green Muscovite, Black Tourmaline & Chrysocolla Azurite. These crystals combine to support the heart chakra to encourage self-love and self-acceptance. Sometimes we ALL have a hard time embracing our authentic self and forget that in the shadows is where all the magic is hiding! Trust yourself, trust you have the answers and know that you are supported by the guidance of your Higher Self and the knowledge you have acquired throughout your Spirits vast existence. 


🖤 There will be four of these Available! Every bracelet is handmade and slightly different, as each gemstone bead can have varying markings. But all are created with love, intention, and a little bit of magick!



Radiant Self-Love~ Green Muscovite/Black Tourmaline & Chrysocolla Azurite

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